Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hello!How are you&I am fine soo I want to tell you about my Day so I woke up at 7 and I went shool after I wated to visit my old class cause from this school year I am study in new school but teacher told us that we have one more lesson after I went to the bus stop and I came in a bus wich was full of people and on the next stop I went out of it cause one fat laDY WATED TO GO OUT more people went inside it and there was no plase to me to come so 2 bus stops I was waking by foot and after I took another bus then I came home my mother brought yammi cocies
and everithink is OK!!
but still I have to domany homework for tomorow

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good morning!!!

I woke up at 10 40 .It is a great morning!!!!!Sun is shining ,sky is blue .I already took a shower so I fell myself ready to this Great day !=)
Love ChOcY

Friday, November 20, 2009

my favourite film

My favourite film is........Ummm I have many favourite films and one of them is ......Lie to me it is very cool film~!Also I like russian film called *Daughters* it is very funny film about five sisters))))And my favourite show is *Everyone dance* I love this show so much!cause I love to dance to!!!!!!


I love chocolate!!!!!Do you?I love hot chocolate!!)
My name is Marina I am tvelve years old.I live in Ukraine in Kyiv it is great city!!!I love living here.
I have a great family .My mom*s name is Naty.My father*s name is Kostia.I have two sisters Ksusha and Camillie!!!<3 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!
LOve ChocY